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Find out what we do as a group!


Homecoming is a week-long event for students in either Social Groups or Greek Life. Sororities and girl social groups go against each other - as do fraternities and boy social groups - in different activities to earn points. Each girl and boy group at the end of the week with the most points wins! Homecoming has an overall theme (the 2012 - 2013 school year's is "Cartoon Characters") and each group has a specific theme (ours in Recess!). Activities to earn points include: Scream Your Theme, Tug of War, Volleyball, Skits, Floats, and Airbands. (Click 'Homecoming' for more information!)

Generally, the Untouchables have a dance every semester. Dances are held off-campus at venues of our picking. Each active member pays for a ticket, and then is allowed to bring a date. After we've figured out the number of tickets we have left, we open the dance to members of other groups - generally groups we are associated with (for example, our Ugly, Jake, is a member of Delta Upsilon, so members of that group are allowed to buy tickets). Dances usually have fun themes, too! Some examples of themes we've had in the past few years: Rumble in the Jungle, and Nerdy Geeks and School Girl Freaks, Superheroes, and Movies/Books.

​Group Bonding/Mixers

Half the fun of being in a social group and Greek Life is the friendships made. So, we expand on this by having mixers with other groups, as well as group bonding within our own. Often, mixers will have themes, or will be an off-campus event. Group bonding can be as simple as watching a movie or going bowling with just the members of the Untouchables. 


A requirement of all groups on campus is service. We enjoy the chance to improve our community, or raise money for a good cause. A great example is the Polar Plunge. Every year, we raise money for the Special Olympics by taking pledges and jumping into freezing water in the middle of February. We always paint our faces and have a representative "Bikini Girl" who braves the frigid water in nothing but a bikini!

Ugly Picking

Every spring, we welcome a special new member into our group: an Ugly! We dress up and literally "pick" our new Ugly  from the crowd in front of Main Hall. For more information on what an Ugly is, click the 'Ugly' tab at the top of the page

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